Field Trips
Headwaters Science Center invites you and your class to visit on a field trip!
HSC is an exciting destination for your next classroom adventure. Whether you spend a couple of hours or the whole day, we want to make your visit a special one. You can explore the exhibit floor, participate in an educational program, go on an HSC scavenger hunt, and visit the gift shop. Bring along your lunch, for we have an upstairs area available for you to use.
We want you to have a positive, educational visit, so call (218) 444-4472 to set up your visit to HSC. Call early as dates can fill up quickly. Check our calendar to help select your day.
The group rate is $6.00 per person for 10 or more people.
See our Demonstrations page for descriptions of available demonstrations and activities.
$6/person for groups of 10 or more for admission.
Add $4/person for demonstrations – Star Lab, Combustion, Cryogenics, or Animal Menagerie.
Add $5/person for hands-on activities – Simple Circuits, Mineral Detective.
Adult chaperones, teachers, and paraprofessionals pay the same rates as students. Bus Drivers are FREE.

Group Visits
Groups of 10 or more individuals receive a group rate of $6.00/person for admission to the exhibit floor. If you plan to visit HSC as a group, please call in advance (depending on your request, up to 7 days prior is preferred) so we can best prepare for your arrival.
To learn more about HSC educational programs and pricing, visit our Demonstrations page or call us at (218) 444-4472.

Upon Arrival
Groups receive a brief introduction to HSC when they arrive. We suggest spending time on the exhibit floor before moving your group into a demonstration.
An eating area may be reserved for your group to use for lunch or snacks. We have educational programs - both hands-on and demonstration - for your group to choose from during your visit.
Click here to view available demonstrations.

Science Store
Your visit to HSC isn't complete without a stop at the HSC Store! There is something for all ages (and it's great shopping for birthdays and holidays)!
HSC members receive a 10% discount on all items.
Gift Certificates are available and can be purchased in any amount.
All prices include tax.
School groups: We limit 8-10 students in the store at one time and suggest an adult be present to help them. Staff package student's purchases, marking the bag with the student's name, and the teacher picks up all purchases upon departure.

Bus Parking
Bus drivers are welcome and admitted at no charge.
Buses can drop off and pick up students directly in front of the doors to Headwaters Science Center.
The bus may park at the waterfront parking lot near the Chamber's Visitor Center (near the statues of Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox).